Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur Deutscher Wetterdienst


Meanings in comparison tables

TAC2BUFR - Remarks

column name FM12
code form
remarks FM94
code form
SV FM12 synoptic message version (FM12 / FM94) FM94
IIiii IIiii identification of a fixed land station 0 01 001 — 0 01 002
ix ix indicator for type of station operation
( Code table 1860 )
0 02 001 — 0 20 003 — 0 20 004
h h height above surface of the base of lowest cloud seen
( Code table 1600 )
if only cloud cover (0 20 010) is set then → h = −1

! FM12 = max 2500 m [classes]
! FM94 = >2500 m [true metres]
0 20 013 — 0 20 010
VV VV horizontal visiblity at surface
( Code table 4377 )
0 20 001
N N total cloud cover
( Code table 2700 )
0 20 010 ∕ 12.5 → [okta]
0 20 010 = 126 = 9
0 20 010 = 113 = 9
0 20 010
DDD dd FM12 = true direction, in tens of degrees
FM94 = true direction ( degree true )
0 11 001
FF ff wind speed [ m∕s ]
0 11 002
TT 1snTTT air temperature, in tenths of degree celsius 0 12 101
TD 2snTdTdTd dew point temperature, in tenths of degree celsius 0 12 103
RH UUU relative humidity of the air, in percent
only set in FM94 part
0 13 003
QFE 3P0P0P0P0 pressure at station level, in tenths of a hectopascal 0 10 004
QFF 4PPPP pressure at mean sea level, in tenths of a hectopascal 0 10 051
geopH 4a3hhh standard geopotential metres 0 10 009
a a characteristic of pressure tendency
( Code table 0200 )
0 10 063
pp ppp amount of pressure tendency at station level 0 10 061
ww ww present weather
−1 if ( 0 02 001 = 1 manned station and
          0 20 003 = 508 / no sig. phenomenon to report )
0 20 003
W1 W1 past weather
−1 if ( 0 20 004 = 10 no sig. weather observed )
0 20 004
W2 W2 past weather
−1 if ( 0 20 004 = 10 no sig. weather observed )
0 20 005
Nh Nh amount of all CL or CM cloud present
( Code table 2700 )
−1 if ( 0 20 011 >= 10 and
          0 20 010 = def. )
0 20 011 — 0 20 010
Cl CL clouds low
( Code table 0513 )
−1 if ( 0 20 012 − 30 >= 10 and
          0 20 010 = def. )
NULL if ( 0 20 012 = undef. or 0 20 010 = undef. )
0 20 012 — 0 20 010
Cm CM clouds middle
( Code table 0515 )
−1 if ( 0 20 012 − 20 >= 10 and
          0 20 010 = def. )
NULL if ( 0 20 012 = undef. or 0 20 010 = undef. )
0 20 012 — 0 20 010
Ch CH clouds high
( Code table 0509 )
−1 if ( 0 20 012 − 10 >= 10 and
          0 20 010 = def. )
NULL if ( 0 20 012 = undef. or 0 20 010 = undef. )
0 20 012 — 0 20 010

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